Mint Drops

Mint Drops offers relief from sinus issues and tension headache sufferers.

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) treats congestion, sinus pressure, headache, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, minor aches and strains, nausea, fever, light pain reliever, mental fatigue, dizziness, fainting, symptoms of shock and  mood swings.

Yes! It does do all of that and its convenient to keep in your purse or in your vehicle.

This is a topical product and to not be ingested.

It is in a distilled water base with vegetable glycerin and organic peppermint essential oil blended perfectly. Its not too light, not too strong but just right!

Topically, you will apply it to several key areas such as your temples, hairline, the tips of your ears, behind the ears and the back of your neck. Just shake out a few drops in the palm of your hand and use your finger to dab it and apply. Use the left over drops in your hand to then rub on the back of your neck and into the hairline. When applying to the ears, really take the time to rub back and forth with your first finger and thumb to massage the ear.

For inhalation, a few drops rubbed between your hands and then cup your nose to inhale deeply to clear the sinuses. (keep your hands away from your eyes) Do this as needed to really open up the sinus passages.

These Mint Drops have additional uses and can help with nausea, shock, its uplifting, a mood enhancer and a natural stimulant.  The Mint Drops are extremely useful to use with someone in distress as an inhalant to help with hysterics and to help prevent from going into shock. We have testimonials with several instances to where this really worked.

Mint drops have been a top seller for hot flashes and to assist during the night for night sweats.  Keep the bottle of Mint Drops handy by the bedside to apply just before bedtime or if it is needed during the night to cool your skin and help you get back to sleep. When applied to the tops of your arms and shoulders it has a cooling effect that will drop you about 10° when overheated. 

Its wonderful to bring along in a cooler to the beach and poolside.

Tuck it in your pocket when out hiking and it will additionally help with mosquitoes.

Sprinkle a few drops on your kitchen sponge and wipe down your kitchen counters to prevent ants, spiders, roaches and other bugs.

Add a few drops to warm water and do a fantastic foot soak!

Apply  to your abdomen in a slow circular clockwise motion to ease bloating and cramping.

Apply to your lower back to ease minor back pain and tension.

Apply to the bottom of your feet to ease swelling and foot pain.

Add a few drops to your shower floor and turn on a warm to hot shower. Breath in the vapors to clear the sinuses. An excellent energizer to get you started in the morning. 

Use caution - Always wash hands immediately after using and especially when around young children and pets. This product is formulated for adults only and not to be used with children under the age of 10.  Take precautions to keep hands away from eyes.

1 oz glass European dropper bottle with a 1 year shelf life.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Great for stress

Use these to help relax, de-stress, and deter a headache. Very refreshing!

Mary Ann Rushing
Love the mint drops!

Great when you feel a headache coming on, nice uplifting scent, clears your head. I also put them on my stone bracelet

Mint drops are my daily rescue

Sinus headache, afternoon slump, Menopause “everything”, these are my go-to pick me up! I love them!

Abigail Adamson

There are truly so many uses for this. I rub it on the back of my neck when I'm getting a headache or even when I need a pick me up in the afternoon and it makes a world of difference. It also has a nice cooling effect which was very needed at the beach this weekend. I also used it to wipe down my counters and the kitchen smells great!

Life saver

Great for upset stomach. It helped to relieve my daughters morning sickness as well in her first trimester