Herbal Tea - Menopause Support Blend

MP Herbal Tea Blend is a blend of supportive herbs for menopause that include moringa, stinging nettle, red clover, ginkgo biloba and valerian root.

This blend is predominately Moringa leaf and Nettle with the appropriate measures of the complimentary herbs mentioned above.

Menopause can be a challenging stage in a woman's life,  with the hot flashes, mood swings, and fatigue that accompany it can often make it hard to stay positive. We offer many natural products that truly help with MP symptoms and this herbal tea can be added to your arsenal for battle.

Moringa (Moringa oleifera) offers bioactivity that has been shown to effectively reduce inflammation and uncomfortable menopausal symptoms. Moringa Oleifera has been scientifically shown to help  reduce menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, fatigue, and insomnia. It may also help support the prevention of developing osteoporosis, which often comes as a result of menopause for women.

Stinging Nettle ( Urtica dioica ) is prized for its nourishing and restorative properties, its support of joint and skin health, and even its ability to rehydrate vaginal tissue.  Its an amazing herb with proven medicinal properties that will assist with MP symptoms and related issues that are caused with the drop of estrogen.

Red Clover  (Trifolium pratense) has been studied extensively for women's wellness and benefits with treating MP symptoms. Red clover contains isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogens have a similar chemical makeup to estrogen, the female hormone that declines with menopause. Several studies suggest that this could help reduce hot flashes, may help slow bone loss and may even boost bone mineral density.

Ginkgo biloba has been found to contain phytoestrogens (similar to red clover) and shown to help raise estrogen levels, naturally improving hormonal imbalances. Studies suggested that ginkgo biloba can improve PMS symptoms and the mood fluctuation that can occur before and during MP. Ginkgo, which means "the life enhancer" has been used for hundreds of years and with proven research.  It can help improve memory, focus & cognitive function.

Lastly, almost everyone has heard about Valerian.  We have blended in this powerful herb (Valeriana officinalis)  in the right amount to help take the edge off.  Proven as a natural muscle relaxer, treatment of insomnia, pain relieving and a general heart tonic. The amount blended in will not make you sleepy or be an issue during the day.

As much as we would like to offer up an herbal tea that can make it all go away, it just simply is not possible. There are other herbs such as black cohosh, Dong quai and Kava that could help, but they are risky or the amounts in some products are not enough to make a difference and still be safe. There are several medications that interact with the mentioned herbs and the risk may not be worth it. Take care to do your own research with the compatibility of pharmaceutical medications with herbs and supplements.

We do recommend being more aware of your calcium intake, Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Magnesium and maybe using Fish oil supplements. Flaxseed is another natural way to help with MP.   Do your research on Co Q10 supplement as it may be useful to you.

Use 1 Tbs in one cup of very hot water to steep for a full 10 minutes while covered. It is a pale tea in color and has a gentle herbal taste. Add a few drops of liquid stevia or raw honey to bring out the  mild flavors. You can enjoy up to 3 cups per day. If you want to enhance it for a more intense flavor, we recommend purchasing our Peppermint Tea and blending it with this tea. Peppermint is a cooling herb and could additionally help with hot flashes.  You can use 1 Tbs of the MP tea and 1 tsp of the peppermint tea at the same time for a delicious blend.  Some people that suffer from GERD cannot use the Peppermint herb internally or as a tea.

This is an excellent tea to support menopause that offers vitamins, minerals and other benefits.  

We additionally offer a Menopause aromatherapy roller ball that compliments this tea very nicely.   Use the roll on applicator to apply to key areas such as behind the ears, inside wrist and inside elbow.

Other Recommendations -  Anxiety Personal Inhaler, Mint Drops,  Detox or Stress Soak or an Aromatherapy Bracelet with a Lavender Mint Mister. Many of our Rose products support and comfort MP. Our Sleep Tincture is very popular with many that suffer with sleep issues because of menopause.


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