Tincture - Palo Azul

Palo azul is also known as Eysenhardtia polystachya or kidneywood, Palo Azul is a shrub or tree which is native to northern and central Mexico and Arizona. We purchase this wood directly from Arizona, where it is sustainably sourced and handled only by the harvesters and then shipped directly to us.

This flavonoid rich herb can be enjoyed casually as a tea, used as a detox tea or used in its concentrated form as a tincture.
There are no know side effects, extremely safe and can be used daily for as long as needed. 

Palo Azul is used for assisting with eliminating toxins concentrated in kidney and bladder. Helps to relieve symptoms caused by urinary tract and kidney infections, and traditionally used as a detox and kidney cleanser.  Studies have shown that this herb is additionally anti inflammatory and could help with arthritis and pain management.

This is an excellent tincture for those that suffer from gout, kidney stones and constant urinary tract issues and is used for kidney health. If you are prone to UTI's, this is an excellent herb to use to help prevent the infections.

Studies concluded considerable antioxidant activity against free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) that cause oxidative stress and inflammation. Additionally, the plant compounds showed anti-glycation, liver -protective and hypoglycemic (lower blood sugar levels) actions that could be potentially beneficial against type 2 diabetes. It is possible for it to help reduce cholesterol in some people.

The effects of this tea have not been studied enough to conclude whether it has side effects during pregnancy. We recommend not taking Palo Azul during pregnancy because we have not found medical studies that prove it is 100% healthy to take it during pregnancy.

We offer two options with using Palo Azul.   We have the raw wood that allows you to make a gorgeous and beneficial tea that can be enjoyed both hot or ice. We also offer Palo Azul in a concentrated tincture form.

Choosing the form,  is really up to you and it works very well with both options. If your main reason is to do a full kidney flush, we recommend the tea form.  Many people enjoy the tea and it additionally is a great way to stay hydrated.  Others are not so much into brewing tea and are just looking for something that is all natural and convenient. The herbal tea is safe for both children and adults but the tincture should be limited to just adults because of its strength. 

Use a full dropperful in a glass of warm water and use just before bedtime on an empty stomach for maintenance. If you are needing a higher dose to fight an infection, it is best to get started at the first sign of symptoms and to use the tincture 3 -4 times daily, spread out through the day for about a week or as soon as you feel the symptoms disappear, to then go to maintenance dose.  For inflammation, use the tincture twice daily and see how it works for you and then it can be increased to 3 times per day after using it regularly for a full week.

If your goal is to lose weight or detoxify your body and cleanse your system...it would be ideal to add cardiovascular exercise to your routine such a power walking or low impact jogging.  When we exercise, the body  works to eliminate toxins in the body and our system cleanses itself. Exercise and using the Palo Azul tincture would be a powerhouse if a routine is kept.

This tincture can additionally be combined with other tinctures such as Dandelion and Stinging Nettle to be used as a total detox tonic. It can safely be used with our other tinctures such as elderberry or cinnamon, if you already use them daily. 

Comes in a 1 ounce blues glass bottle with dropper included, has  an indefinite shelf life and to be stored at room temperature.

Please take care when using herbal remedies and products. We highly recommend reading our page regarding "Precautions and Contradictions" and additionally, "What is a Tincture?". 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Dr. Simona L Brickers
High Quality Ingredients

I was excited ordering several items from Oakwood Natural Living and when they arrived, I was not disappointed. High quality herbal medicines have a higher vibration when the herbalist is intentionally when handling the medicines, which clearly is Oaklands foundation for providing quality products that activate healing, thank you. I love the allergy and Pala Azul tinctures, the deodorant is delicious and the toothpaste has been a game changer. Outstanding products, thank you 😊!